2023-Onam-Get-together :Baroda-Anand Warriers met and enjoyed the 2023-Onam-Get-together on 15th October 2023 at the residence of Shri TV Gokuldas, Kailasdham Society, New Sama Road, Baroda.
Shri VKR Warrier gave a warm welcome to all the members.
A beautiful Pookalam was created by Mr Harimadhavan and the team. He also recited the prayer prior to starting various entertainments such as devotional / film songs by the youngsters Ms Arpita Sreenivasan, Ms Aparna Sreenivasan, Master Pranav Pravith, Classical Song by Anita Ajith, Malayalam Kavitha by Mrs Valsala Chandran, Nadan Pattu by Mrs Jayasree Vijayan etc. The Ladies wing - Mrs Jayasree Vijayan, Mrs Indira Mukundan, Mrs Shanta Radhakrishnan, Mrs Asha Gokuldas, Mrs Anita Ajith, Mrs Girija Ramachandran Mrs Shilpa Kamalesh, Mrs Shanta Sreekumar - presented the traditional Thiruvathira which was well appreciated by all.
The traditional Onam feast was prepared jointly by member families with the governance of Mr VKR Warrier and everyone enjoyed the sumptuous Onam-Sadya.
Few members could not take part today due to unavoidable circumstances. However, about 35~40 members could take part including the members from Anand / Vallabh Vidyanagar. It was almost a full day program and all participants relished the event.
Mr D Chandran from Anand expressed his feeling of pleasure towards the attitude maintained jointly by the Baroda-Anand Warrier Group since its inception. Mr Vinayan from Vallabh Vidyanagar also expressed his views on the occasion.
The Monthly Meet of on-going 17th Series ended with this gathering and the First Meet for the 18th Series has started today.
Mr Gokuldas expressed sincere thanks to those who have present today and for their support to make this occasion a grand success. Without the sincere participation of the members, this event could not have been a success.
He also explained about the first Charity activity successfully carried out in the name of Baroda-Anand Warriers, in Mother Teresa Ashram, Vadodara on 8th Oct 2023. The whole hearted support extended by the member families of Baroda-Anand Warriers is worth appreciating towards our charity initiative as decided in the 30th Annual Meet. He stated that though our Group is small, such attempts would definitely establish fame to our unanimity and requested everyone to continue to support for such future attempts.
Congratulations to Baroda Anand Warriers: warriers.org

Congratulations and best wishes 💐